Station Street Fitness
Class Plans
Choose a Plan
Unlimited Membership
Our unlimited gym membership provides unrestricted access to all of our classes and programs. This membership will offer you flexibility for workouts, motivate you to reach your fitness goals by providing a variety of workouts, and fosters a supportive community atmosphere.
Limit: Unlimited
Programs: Capacity, Grow, Metcon, Strength & Conditioning
LocationsStation Street Fitness
From A$69.95
4x Week Membership
Our 4 times per week membership will grant you access to 4 classes per week. This membership is great for those looking to push themselves and achieve results quickly.
Limit: 4 classes per Week
Programs: Capacity, Grow, Metcon, Strength & Conditioning
LocationsStation Street Fitness
From A$59.95
3x per Week Membership
Our membership plan is perfect for those wanting consistent access to our studio. We recommend this option for beginners as it allows for regular attendance to all classes, helping establish a routine to reach fitness goals.
Limit: 3 classes per Week
Programs: Capacity, Grow, Metcon, Strength & Conditioning
LocationsStation Street Fitness
From A$54.95
2x per Week Membership
This membership is for those who want to visit our studio more often. With a 2 x per week membership, users can take a wider range of classes to help them reach their fitness goals.

Limit: 2 classes per Week
Programs: Capacity, Grow, Metcon, Strength & Conditioning
LocationsStation Street Fitness
From A$44.95